April 08, 2008

Cherry-flavored suspense

The cherry cider stopped bubbling sometime over the weekend, but with classes, scare cleanup, and taxes I haven't had time to move it to the secondary.

I'm dying to see how it tests and tastes! Maybe tomorrow. Or Thursday. Or something.

Work has been work, and projects have been stalled by Taxes.


But, because I spent OUT THE WAZOO on equipment for Simreal, I'm up for a decent refund (less than a grand, more than five hundred). So, good job, Edwin!

I just hope my weird spending spree in '07 doesn't spring an audit. Bah. I don't want to have to tap-dance my way through my crappy accounting.

Next up: clean up my Quicken so that account happens auto-magically.

Oh, and file the '07 simreal "no, I sold nothing in Texas" report.

Posted by Edwin at April 8, 2008 09:38 PM