April 07, 2008

Shiny new incompetence

Well, saw my Sunday Night Movie last night (it being Sunday Night), and while the movie was probably good but I couldn't really tell.

The audio synch was off. Not like bad-dubbing off ( I was watching it in the "original language" anyway, which was a mix of Mandarin and English it turns out, with English subtitles), but really really off.

I mean, the lips will move or a door will slam open; the scene will cut, and cut again, and maybe a second OR TWO later, the sounds play.

I mean, wtf?

What is funny is that this is from Tartan Asia Extreme which, in earlier videos, had fairly rough DVD programming. This DVD, though, was more slick, had blocked more of the control keys so you couldn't avoid the advertising, had more special features and stuff... really top-notch programming in there. And the movie itself was damaged beyond any repair internally. I guess they got a great programmer at the expense of, I dunno, an audio guy or any kind of quality control!


I tried all three audio tracks (2.0, 5.1, and 5.2 DTS) to no effect.

So I'm a bit grumpy about the lack of a decent movie on my Sunday.

Posted by Edwin at April 7, 2008 08:01 AM