April 06, 2008

Extra Crispy

Five hours of class again, Saturday, while I did the final assembly (welding) and cleanup (grinding and sanding) on my thingy (the topper for the fire pillar).

It's very shiny now! But the teacher had me go outside to do this work... it's noisy and messy! And, as a consequence, I'm sunburned here and there. back of my neck and the backs of my arms. Very annoying! But I'm putting aloe stuff on it, and hopefully it will be better soon.

Right after class, we went to the lodge (Scare for a Cure's location) and threw an old room away. This wasn't built buy us, but was donated after some movie was done with it. A beautiful room! But heavy, and really just useful for a one-shot thing... so to the dump with it!

This took two trips and the rest of the day, and I discovered this evening that I hurt my right shoulder too. Did this, probably, because I was compensating form other pain in my connecting tissues... sucks getting old.

So, today, Sunday, was spent almost entirely in financial updating. Now, all three of my accounts are shiny and reconciled, and my taxes have been started. I'll finish them up during the week.

Had a brief interlude today for a Flipside meeting, and that was good.

Right now, I am trying to decide if/what size of amplifier I want to fill out my audio rack.

Posted by Edwin at April 6, 2008 10:04 PM