April 02, 2008

Sweet Cherry Dreams

Okay, I _finally_ put together the last cider for this Flip season, with some changes from the previous recipe. I've had the parts sitting here for, I dunno, a week or two, but it's been hectic; or I've been slow; or something.

Stayed home from TaiChi tonight, felt puny (yeah yeah, it makes me feel better to go) but then later I was glad I held back because I got a good half hour of feeling downright sick; and then that faded.


Anyway, for the new recipe, I doubled the sugars (up to 16 oz honey, 16 oz turbinado sugar, and 4 lbs of white cane), and swapped out a gallone of the cider for an additional half-gallon of black cherry and an additional half gallon of the raspberry-cranberry blend.

Upon tasting, it's SWEET. Dayum. Sweet sweet sweet, but with a complexity too.

Upon measuring, it's in the 1.070 gravity range... the same as the original! Apparently the cider I use is heavy, without having the same benefit of sugar as... sugar.

Posted by Edwin at April 2, 2008 08:59 PM