March 29, 2008

Mad Cackles

I love crimp connectors; lug ends and spade ends and slip fittings and all kinds of stuff. Much nicer than frayed wire. Mmmm, crimps.

I've avoided all kinds of distraction this week as I bulled ahead on my daily work, trying to catch up. I would be in sight of parity now, if it weren't for NI Tech or Week or whatever the hell it is... internal tech conference, fun stuff, but it will eat a day or two of my catch-up time.

That focused effort, though, cost me; I was even crabby at the poor Shanghai guy. Next week should be better, unless random people decide we have to support fancy features that they said we would not support this release (the root of my crabbiness). Make up your minds, guys; we ship pretty damn soon.

This weekend, I did stuff in welding class, and now I'm going through the "bring-up" checklist for the Tesla coil. Later, I'll solder up the "advanced modulator" circuit to drive it. I've got most of the other electronic and/or mechanical aspects well in hand, so I may even see sparks tomorrow.

Tomorrow also has me doing some house finances (I've been putting it off), some laundry (out of undies!), and starting a new cherry cider (I hope! Gotta mix me some booze!).

Next weekend, salvaging my business accounts (neglected through most of last year) and taxes. Whee.

Posted by Edwin at March 29, 2008 07:27 PM