Been slacking off these last few nights, trying to regain my sanity and or energy...
Work is still being fairly brutal, but I hope to be out of this particular crunch at the end of the week, or at least early next week.
Then I can transition into the next crunch! But I'm hoping it will be less draining.
Looks like I won't have the plastics in for the Tesla base this weekend, which is unfortunate (slow, slow people. Sigh). But the electronics and the coil should be good to go.
Been looking for cheap, 3-jaw lathe scroll-chucks to make a coil winder, and apparently there is no such thing, let along such a thing in Austin. Right now I'm dithering between making a Longworth Chuck (I need a router and a circle-cutting swing arm to do that), or slapping together a 4-jaw independent chuck out of allthread and bits of metal.
I hope to decide during today's suffering.
Posted by Edwin at March 13, 2008 07:11 AM