Went to Sampaio tonight with Matt and Susan (and Marla, of course), mmmm good! Oh yeah. And had a truly lovely Malbec wine too, gonna have to find that one in the store.
Prior to that, I slept in as noted before, making a short day. Spent a few hours in the garage while the weather was beautiful -- put a finish on my dished metal project, making it into what should be an oil lamp (if it doesn't leak, gotta test that still). Pictures are in the camera, I'll put 'em up later.
Also fiddled with some metal poles wrt: tensegrity tower. And did a special fitting for Matt for the butane tank -- the brass ones totally didn't cooperate today so I fabricated one from scratch from a length of steel bar. The hole is a bit off-center, but for the most part it turned out well!
Weird, I must have just been putzing around out there, I don't really know _what_ I did. Never did poke at the fire thingy or the blower.
Then, came inside and cut the circuit boards apart for the Tesla -- THAT was annoying. And I soldered a few parts on 'em too, that was fun. Also, I ordered some new parts to avoid the annoying hack, and ordered some things for Marla for a glowing bracelet thingy.
This coming week I'll buy some plastic and this and that for the Tesla mechanics. And probably do Taxes (ominous "dun dun DUN" music here). Perhaps some house cleaning.
Last night, getting ready for the Dorkbot/SxSW etc show, I stubbed the living bejesus out of one of my toes -- and during the night, it got more and more sore. Upon taking my shoe off last night, my toe had turned interesting colors, mostly in shades of red and black, and I was pretty much crippled. Which kind of puts the kabosh on dancing tomorrow. I have pictures of THAT, too, but I'll probably spare you those.
And now, sleep. It feels like Saturday though. I need another weekend day. Ah well.
Posted by Edwin at March 9, 2008 10:29 PM