Oh man, a busy week -- or month... or something.
Supporting something like three or four people using our product now -- the guy writing tests, the guy working up the manufacturing validation, the guy hooking it up to the motion module, some random guy I don't know who, our tech sometimes, the manager.... okay, that's like six.
Doing support work for calculations and feasibility for our product use in BIG SCIENCE (millions of dollars of opportunity) and in AUTOMOTIVE (I can't even count this high, in terms of profit potential).
Meetings! We are meeting more now, and hashing out detailed tricky issues, which I take it upon myself to clarify as best I can on paper, so everyone is working with the same brain.
And work itself, you know, finishing this product so we can make our bazillions of dollars in it. That's suffering a tad, but it's moving.
This Make article, dammit, I was really running under a wrong theory of how I wanted to do part of it -- I'm going to have to cop out and use a speaker to drive it (I really wanted to wind my own driver, but it's truly astonishing how much heat a speaker coil has to dissipate! Not to mention I have the wrong magnetic environment; my theory was bad).
So, umm, and my Saturday is GONE; class, flipside planning, game playing. I could theoretically buy a few hours and skip games at seven, and just do "pie day" Sunday.
I dunno.
Tomorrow is Friday.
I'll do more experiments then and see. Mark wants this article soon; he seemed stressed. Of course, he always seems stressed!