January 23, 2008

Warm, toasty DOOM

Well, now I've done it, I've supplied a propane-fed flamethrower to Lars. I'm sure this will end well.

It's actually a moderately "safe" device, for certain definitions of safe, and the flame isn't too huge (probably smaller than it could be last night, 'cause it was two goosebumps above a freeze out there, brrrr), and the thing looks pretty neat.

I never did get action shots of it, and now it's out of my hands. The Alamo peeps took video, so if I ever stumble across that I'll link it.

On the "dangerous project" front, hope to do some welding and maybe even TESTING on the pillar of flame soon, and I'll be starting up the actual planning on the tesla coil and high-voltage supplies this weekend too.

Yay! Danger!

Posted by Edwin at January 23, 2008 08:10 AM