Tired this morning... completely forgot to blog last night, too.
Went to TaiChi last night, first time in over three months! It didn't hurt or suck as much as I feared it would. Still had a decent amount of flexibility and I didn't cramp up or anything though my legs did get a bit shaky (I always go low, can't resist). Legs are a bit wobbly today too.
The first-stripers are looking to start practicing for their second-strip test already... and some are looking to me to help lead that effort (since I'm a third year first striper; most of the rest of my class went on to second).
Maybe I'll propose blending some second-stripe practice with the push-hands in the park I've been wanting to join... we'll see.
I need to buy some equipment and supplies like NOW. I'm a tad frustrated, though; I have several thousand dollars on my credit card that I shouldn't have -- vacation, extra equipment I picked up, more gift buying than perhaps was wise, this and that, it adds up damned fast.
Argh. And stuff.
Anyway, I think I'm done with the base-level research on tesla coils and high voltage transformers and stuff and I'm ready to put together a trial design or three. So that's cool. But that also means I need to order some parts soon!
Posted by Edwin at January 10, 2008 08:47 AM