January 06, 2008


Ugh, still trying to ramp up my brain, but my energy has been low still mostly. Like trying to pass a high-frequency pulse through a big inductor...

Yeah, equating cycles of depression with, ummm, one of the three reactance parameters, activity levels with frequency, and umm, yeah no. Maybe mental health doesn't map to Ohm's law particularly well; no Thevanin equivalent. Though my ability to do work is definitely limited by my cycles of (albeit mild) depression and various nebulous other factors I've not entirely quantified.

So instead of leaping about finishing putting the house together, or sequestering myself performing arcane experiments on my shiny new high voltage transformers (what DOES happen when I take a feed-forward transform around what is certainly a laminar, gap-free core optimized for line frequency and run a 1kHz waveform through it, hmmm?), I've been studying my analog electronics some, writing my last contracted Make article (Vortex Cannon! See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX4-lI0B3SE), and trying to get my strength back.

Still to plan/do (in four overlapping threads: Flipside, Haunt Workshops, Maker Faire, and the SCARE haunt)

* Write a show for Flipside (who wants to be in a 15-minute Mad Science melodrama surrounded by lethal special effects? Silona? Beuller?). Ooo, tickets go on sale tomorrow. My money supplies are weak, but schedule dicates...

* Study for and take tests to get, and apply, and GET, my flame effects operator license

* High voltage, flame, and audio experiments for Flipside and the show above mentioned. All of this to be repeated (at a higher level of refinement) at Maker Faire in October.

* Implement devices based on above experiments

* Design a micro-haunt and break out a number of effects/techniques used in it to parallel past Make articles and propose a few new Make articles to fill the gaps.

* Propose and re-propose a raft of Make articles

* Write Make articles

* Implement the micro haunt (and probably some articles). I'll have help.

* Prepare ideas and notes for workshops in haunt skills to do over this summer

* Write the lecture notes for the haunt workshops

* Perform the haunt workshops

* Work on LoTV technology and architecture, especially those aspects that tie in to Maker Brain

* Experiment in prosthetics for the Haunt. Do the haunt! Haunt haunt haunt. We will kick ectoplasmic butt!

* Get the dance steps online finally, and try to fill the dang things out so they are complete. I missed my goal of end of year on this

* And, of course, the day job that pays for it all, the Taiji that keeps me destressed and healthy, and the ballroom dancing that helps keep me and my sparky wife happy.



Wish me luck.

Posted by Edwin at January 6, 2008 07:42 PM