January 02, 2008

Cough, hack, wheeze

The hard part about blog-per-day will not be CONTENT but TITLES. Ah well, I may devolve to "stardate" before long.

Went back to work today, first _real_ day back since before the Germany trip at December 10 (GERM-any). Didn't cough on too many people, this chest cold (or whatever) reserves the truly bold action for nighttime, when I'm trying to sleep. Whee.

Another New Year resolution is to keep my accounting up to date. I haven't split off my Quicken files since 2005, and haven't entered personal receipts since mid-November. Tonight I get a bunch of back-entry done and then I'll have to keep up moving forward.

Because I'd MUCH rather work on projects than do accounting, and it's always easier when it's small and frequent.

Posted by Edwin at January 2, 2008 05:25 PM