November 26, 2007

New Floor!

Okay, it's in! The bamboo floor is laid -- got it done, in fact, by 6pm Saturday, well ahead of when I thought we would be done.

We shipped SparkyLibrarian's parents in for the turkey holiday and fed them well -- and put her dad to hard labor helping with the install, but I'm sure he enjoyed it. We also had other offers of help from friends, all appreciated, but we settled on Paul because I've worked with him a lot, and he had a tool we needed. Heh.

The hard work was clearing the room the previous week. And then the other hard work was cleaning the concrete. The final hard work was laying the bamboo, but now it is all beautiful! Or will be, as soon as we lift the remaining blue tape that was holding the boards together.

Mmmm, hardwood (er, hard grass, bamboo) floor. Lovely!

We'll have a party or something later to celebrate... probably January. November is mostly gone and December is crazy.

Oh dang. We should probably move the furniture back into place, too.

Posted by Edwin at November 26, 2007 09:20 PM