September 21, 2007

Fire! And Firemen!

Well, I did my first public performance of the new Fire Tube last night, at the Alamo Drafthouse South. For those not local, the Alamo is the best theater EVAR here in Austin; dinner, beer, and a movie! And comfy seats! And quiet, respectful audiences!

This was the opening party and first movies of their Fantastic Film Festival, and featured actors, directors, George Romero, all kinds of fun.

Not that I saw any of it; I was outside trying to burn the place down.

At least, that's what one patron thought. Apparently, someone contacted a manager, all concerned and worried, but did not receive enough hand-holding and/or ass-kissing from said manager... so they took it upon themselves to call the fire department.

That was fun.

And, I'm telling you, I don't know how they found a fireman tall enough too loom over me while asking me pertinent questions. I was not terribly amused, but "yes sir"'ed my way through it all and was left with one more good idea to improve my safety setup, and relief at not being shut down. I was inspected by a fire person and passed! Mostly. He even called me "son" once as I started thinking on a tangent about my wimpy fire extinguisher, as in "are you listening to me, son?".

So he got into his big flashing truck and, as I was about to return to making pretty fire for my adoring public (many of whom had cameras, yay!)... he got out again to leave me with that one good idea... a propane detector near the display.

There was extra concern from him, apparently, because there was a propane explosion just last week out of a beer truck. However, I run out in the open, lots of ventilation, very little chance of buildup, even if I did have a leak. But I'll add that detector anyway, because I said I would... and because it wouldn't hurt to have it in the garage anyway.

Anyway, back to the fire.

Ryan's and Seth's custom songs (oh, I got some good friends to write music for the fire tube) did wonderful and beautiful things with the flame. And I found a number of really really good commercial songs that danced the flame too!

I have a test video I'll put on streaming on simreal soon, and I'll have to make a nice long video later of the final custom tunes and stuff.

Now, on to the colored fire column...

... and burnt body parts! Lots to do this weekend, corpses to make, fingers to cast, metal to weld.


Posted by Edwin at September 21, 2007 02:53 PM