September 01, 2007

One sad, One icky

I was in my driveway welding little supports to my truck's headache rack (after unbending it, so it would stay unbent; so I could buy 100# of propane, yay!) when some guy wandered in and asked about the neighborhood and stuff. Nice guy, thinking of buying the house across the street. But he said something that just struck me as... mad.

"Yeah, I mostly sit around the house on the weekend, I'm almost 50, there's not much I can do."

Ummm. No?

And... today, preparing to put some holes into some 4" EMT elbows (yay!) I moved one and thought, "dang, there's a bit of raccoon poo. Ewwww, what's that smell?"

Then I noticed the icky spot was wiggling... and then I noticed the dead rodent stuck to the bottom of my tube. Ewww. It was very dead, in the sense that it had re-achieved life... of a sort. Eww.

Threw it away, before the maggots could escape too far, and tidied up, used some isopropyl to clean the area, all while Sparky, the instigator of this little scene, meowed curiously at me. "Whatcha doin? I wondered where that went! That's still good. Whatcha doin?"


Posted by Edwin at September 1, 2007 05:59 PM