I've been doing a BUNCH of fiddly electronics circuit work with surface-mount components (e.g. itty bitty teeny tiny specks of circuit). To do the manipulations on these components, I use a pair of fine-tipped tweezers.
At one point, I found the resistors sticking to the tips of them. I figured, dang, the liquid flux is building up. So I cleaned them.
But it didn't get better.
In fact, over time, it's been getting worse.
Finally, I did some tests.
My tweezers are... magnetic!
They were most definitely NOT magnetic when I started. It seems that the more I am using these tweezers, the more magnetized they become.
I have absolutely no explanation for this, nor can I think of a mechanism that would cause this.
Except, of course, for influence of my own magnetic personality.
Posted by Edwin at May 19, 2007 08:28 AM