April 03, 2007

Updated Update Updating

Well, just saw the Sawbones, and I'm now scheduled for a sleep study. I finally got sick of my inability to concentrate (I'm functioning at a very low level at work, compared to my usual) and I've been hearing the praise of my friends for their sleep apnea treatments, so I'll give it a whirl. If it's not that, it's allergies.. or diet.. or lifestyle.. or psychological factors.. such as overwork.. or.. or... We'll see.

Lessee, about 5 weeks of school left, max, unless things go wrong.

I've got a few articles to write for a leading magazine (non-fiction, but still). More on this once it hits the shelves!

I also want to write a custom story for a new steampunk magazine; a new magazine, maybe it's easier to get in? But I need a good steamy idea, and I need it polished by April 15! We'll see. With my trouble concentrating, it will be tough.

Theh Ruben's Tubes are moving along apace; I have the tubes mostly built now, and the electrical ignitors (repurposed tazers) are almost done, the wiring harnesses mostly assembled. Testing to occur this weekend, if anyone wants to drop by Saturday evening to see!

Okay, off to build some electronic fireflies and maybe do a run for the hot-glue web shooter...

Posted by Edwin at April 3, 2007 03:07 PM