March 20, 2007

Slow! Slow! Slow!

Argh! This weekend was SLOW.

Working on the algorithms homework on Saturday took nine hours to start, then I had a sanity break to visit friends, and then two more hours after that to finish. Eleven hours! Didn't get to bed before 1am. It _killed_ that day, dead. Argh.

Sunday, seven hours in finances (moving my Quicken to the Mac, balancing, budgeting; then taxes)... which was NOT helped by having every online resource (E*Trade, Quicken's site) being bogged down by the tax season. Argh argh!

I'm dying for the school nonsense to be over. I'm lagging in CS445 (independent project) due to the slowness of CS330. In all fairness, though, the 330 class has been condensed into 3 assignments and a final, rather than the usual 4 or 5 assignments. And I got off light in HIS125 -- there was no final! Except, of course, for the 200 pages to read every weekend.

After these CS, I have two more classes and then I'm done; completion targeted for May. CS445 will overlap some; probably take 8 weeks instead of 4 (12 is allotted). Now if only the teacher of that class would answer his e-mail. He's been sick. It will certainly slow things down a bit if he doesn't get better.

Frustrated here.

Posted by Edwin at March 20, 2007 10:10 AM