December 09, 2006

Lost week

Oooh, I didn't write anything last week. Wellll, here goes!

The weeks themselves are completely non-descript... work work work, Taiji Taiji Taij, Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom. Dancing that is, not, umm. You know.

Last Saturday was almost entirely absorbed by five or six hours of Taiji graduation preparation and ceremony. I was involved in a demo for this, seen on Youtube here:

I'm the head in the back left corner, invisible. Sigh. If a better video appears, I'll link it.

Sunday was then lost in feeling yucky, both Marla and I, until we wandered off to Michelle's and played a rousing game of Order of the Stick, which is kinda fun.

In my copious free time, I've done a little story editing (my goal is to re-send the two rejects, and send a new story out Monday) and prepping my brain and Mac for Mac development.

In this quest, I've discovered Qt -- which rox my sox! This is good stuff!

Cross-platform development, expensive unless you use it for Open Source dev, with GUI designers and an extended Object Model that makes object oriented programming even MORE object oriented. I'm reading a book now, and fiddling with examples on my Mac, and it's really sweet.

The big task this weekend is house cleaning. The place is a wreck, but we'll put it right. Got to -- we are going on vacation at the end of the month, and don't want to traumatize our pet sitters.

Posted by Edwin at December 9, 2006 11:34 AM