Ooo a busy and productive weekend... of course, I'm still neglecging my writing, but I'll get back to it, I promise.
This weekend was a very social one -- Odd Friday to start; Julia's 3rd birthday party; Richard's 3rd Saturday gathering, where we watched some juggle video and hung out a bit; Michelle's Gaming Night. Oh, and schoolwork -- finished two classes; finals next weekend or the one after, when I feel like it.
The sweaty work filled in the rest -- prepping the lawn (more on that later), moving most of the rest of the first palette of 4" limestone blocks, and just now, moving most of the rest of the first cubic yard of gravel.
The yard will look very nice when we are done, and there won't be much grass to mow!
Mmmm, gravel.
Okay, this last year was the Year of Yard NoCare. I didn't mow the back yard all summer, I think, and probably not most of the year at all. It's interesting, grass -- it doesn't just grow longer, but it changes _character_ as it ages and matures. Gets thick. And clumpy. And a lot unlike lawn grass.
It's like this: suppose you have a nice housecat and you, like a good owner, trim it's claws every couple months (or however often you are supposed to trim their claws; Marla does ours). But say you get busy one year and forget to trim the claws _all year_. Oops. And then you wake up one November to discover that your nice little house cat has become.. a saber tooth tiger!
Yeah. Just like that.
So on Saturday morning I went out and bought a heavy-duty weed whacker; dual 0.080" line, 5amp electric motor, mmm, nice. I call it my Electric Scythe. And with this mighty device, I "mowed" the back yard.
It took a while, but it worked!
Posted by Edwin at November 20, 2006 05:13 PM