September 24, 2006

Experience the Sloth

I remember, a year or three ago, when we were visiting the exotic pet store -- the Zoo Keeper, I think. In their window they had a big stick and some decorative this and that, making a lovely display. In this display, hanging from the branch, was a large stuffed animal, looking like it could be some representation of a big sloth. That was neat! Though it was kind of curled up into a ball.

Watching it long enough, though, and you would find it... moved!

So cool! A real sloth! And I tell you, they are slothful; soparific beasts who move at a leasurely, almost invisible pace.

I don't know if they have that sloth there still, but I know where you can get a similar experience.

I went to the Radio Shack today, to buy a phone, and was reminded of the sloth as I watched the Radio Shack Person (You have questions? We have blank stares!) box up the nice little phone I had just bought. It was the display model, so he had to put a few pieces into bags, and put the battery in the phone, and this and that.

And he did it so slowly, it was an amazing thing to see. I think it took him fifteen minutes to put it all into the box, I swear! Marla will swear with me, too, because she was there... in fact, once we left the store, there was a variety of swearing going on.

I had never seen a (presumably) living, breathing human work so slowly before. It was an experience I hope not to suffer through again.

Posted by Edwin at September 24, 2006 05:48 PM