May 02, 2006


I've been doing a lot of thinking the last six months, a lot of life review and future planning and a wide variety of other things that seem to come around when a guy is in his forties.

Oh, I'm 42 today, which makes me the answer to the universe, thank you very much!

Anyway, I've often felt that you don't own things -- things own you. Each thing you have that requires maintenance, dusting, putting away, organizing, tripping over, or that throws up hairballs on your carpet or requires payment, takes a piece of your life away. So choose what things you keep carefully, make them worth the trade.

On that theme, I've before to reduce the load of stuff I have around me, but never gotten around to it. Over the next two weeks, though, I'll be putting it into action.

I'll be going through the garage, the office workshop, the storage closets, and pulling out all of the parts, extraneous tools, supplies, whatever, and set them aside to give away or sell for cheap to people in the robot group and haunt communities in town, and ultimately to freecycle or the garbage if need be.

I will be keeping the significant tools and, in some cases, some supplies for things I'm doing this year. But otherwise? Bye-bye!

Who knows, maybe M2 will even get to park her car in the garage again.

Okay, maybe I won't get that crazy.

I think the criteria will be... would I want to pay postage on this to move it to Australia in two years?

Not that I'm moving to Australia in two years, but I do want to keep my options open.

Posted by Edwin at May 2, 2006 09:18 AM