August 25, 2005

Warning: Bad Language within.

LiveJournal only prints the first few lines of my entries, so here are those lines... heh.

I have a pet peeve. There is, in fact, a short list of things that make me actually angry. Hypocrisy, for example (which covers most of politics). Even some things that I myself do, make me angry, at myself, for doing them... but that's a different topic.

Today I talk about spam.

First, there's the fucking assholes who send spam to my mailbox -- who the hell do they think they are, stuffing their crap into my mailbox? Out of more than a hundred (non-mailing-list) e-mails I get a day, maybe three of them are real mail.

But my filters deal with this, for the most part. I only have manually delete a few.

But what the fuck is up with those dog-fucking assholes who think it's okay to spray their filthy graffiti on my weblog? How deeply do you have to shove your head up your ass before this shit smells sweet?

What the holy hell is a "Trackback Ping" and why in the name of god and all the demons of fucking hell would a T-e-x-a-s poker viagra ad do this to my blog?

Show me a spammer. Just show me one in person. And I'll rip him a new asshole, in person, to his face. And don't think I can't. You haven't seen me really mad. I have. I even took meds for it for a bunch of years.

I don't take those meds any more.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.

Posted by Edwin at August 25, 2005 08:27 AM