June 01, 2005

Six Thousand Lines of Tedium

I'm tired a lot lately from, you know, lack of weekends. There is still a slim chance that the movie will complete on schedule, so we are fighting for that. In that case, we have about six weeks left.

There is an even more slim chance that I'll be able to do all of my FX work in that time with my weekends consumed by the movie.

So I'm sitting here today working. Trying to work. I'm converting a bunch of code from the original C++ on the PC to C on the microcontroller. Search and Replace did most of the work, but I need to walk through it all to make sure it's good and to do minor adjustments.

This code consists of about six functions between ten and twenty lines each... repeated endlessly. Six thousands lines of code, more or less. Staying awake for this work is a true challenge.

Maybe I'll go play Kingdom of Loathing instead... someone is working in my "nap spot" in the oasis.

Posted by Edwin at June 1, 2005 01:40 PM