May 26, 2005

Stress Levels

Stress comes from many things and in many forms. Good things cause stress, sometimes, like a move, a new job, getting married. Bad things, of course, bring stress, like losing a job, getting divorced, losing your home. And some things are just stressful even if they are just emotionally neutral; not having enough time, doing too many things at once, that kind of thing.

Right now I'm in the "doing too many things at once and I'm not sure if I have time to do them correctly and I'm beginning to forget things" phase. The "forget things" part I try to compensate for with my pocket brain (my PDA) and external brain support (Marla).

But I'm otherwise still more time-challenged than usual.

Stress levels, I think, can be named. There is the "slightly overworked". There is simply "stressed", meaning you are tense and concerned. But eventually we get up into "anxiety attack" and "panic attack" levels.

A few years back in Halloween, I reached "anxiety attack" levels because of some work that wasn't going as well as I liked, that I was getting well PAID for, for a local haunt. It mostly turned out okay.

But now I'm drifting in and out of "anxiety attack" levels of stress, simply from overwork and schedule concerns.

I'm hoping I don't pass through "anxiety" and reach "panic". That would suck.

Posted by Edwin at May 26, 2005 10:32 AM