May 16, 2005


Woke up today with a hazy cloud of anxiety filling my brain. Ick. I still feel vaguely depressed and anxious. Maybe with more coffee... the panic, paranoia, and palpitation so of coffee overdose are slightly preferably to my current sense of floating doom.


My hand hurts today from all of the clay work yesterday. It's throwing my typing off a bit. And I worry about arthritis and other joint ailments. This is really the first undeniable indication of my encroaching age. Joint pain. It's frightening. I use my hands a lot. I make things, you know. And I want to start doing more sculpture...

Next weekend is a big one on the movie. Seven undead, four living, and a stack of undead extras. That's a lot of bodies to paint! I need to test the airbrush and the liquid makeup. I hope my helpers are up to this.

Heck, I hope that I am up to this.

Posted by Edwin at May 16, 2005 08:49 AM