April 13, 2005

Zillions of Dollars

No, I don't mean our ridiculous US budget deficit

(Oooh, Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility; Oooh, they don't tax us; Ooooh, BULLSHIT. If they are so responsible, why are we spending so much more money than we make? Sure they aren't taxing us... they are taxing our future. But that's a different rant.)

I've got zillions of dollars of STUFF hitting my doorstep between the 14th and the 18th. Gelatin, glycering, silicon molding materials, more makeup, sausage casings (don't ask), and I don't even remember what all else. Not to mention the errands I'll be running to get plaster, cotton puffs, sunscreen, pneumatic fittings (on order), and an endless list of other trivial bits.

I just hope to hell that I got what I needed and not too much that I don't need.

Mmm, movies. What a way to spend money.

Posted by Edwin at April 13, 2005 11:16 AM
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