April 05, 2005

Edible Body Parts

Last Halloween I did work on making body parts that could stand up to handling -- that would feel real. While my first tries were decent, I also learned things along the way that will make my next set of realistic parts even better.

For example, there is a newer form of dragon skin that is MUCH softer than what I used, which will give future parts a more flesh-like feeling.

And I understand that you can burn or melt away silicon flashings (if you avoid the toxic fumes, at least). Gotta try that. I hate flashing seams.

But for the movie I need to go one better. I need body parts that can be eaten.

Maybe not *swallowed*, but at least chewed.

Needless to say, I'll be using gelatin for these. I'm thinking a tough gelatin skin followed by foamed gelatin that will, at the last minute, be impregnated with blood. Another option is to include blood-tubes in the part and fill those with blood... I'm still experimenting. For blood tubes I would use some form of sausage casing, so I need to find a local supplier of those.

Ahhhh... we're gonna have fun on this.

I've also found some *awesome* and reasonably priced clays for model making... much better in every way than the sculpey I used last year. The sculpy will retain its role as barrier walls and stuff, but I don't think I want to sculpt with it anymore.

Posted by Edwin at April 5, 2005 09:43 AM
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