March 30, 2005

Trepidation and New Code

Well, Friday and Monday I worked out most of the details for this subsytem I'm writing (with a little help from Tuesday), and at this very moment it is sketched in and it compiles.

Now I need to test it.

This is the perfect moment in software, right now. I was just productive, which always feels good, writing a decent chunk of reasonably clever yet still straightforward software. It compiles, so all of the basic typing errors are fixed. But I don't know what all of its logical errors are -- so I can still pretend that it is perfect code.

Once I run it, my illusions will be shattered. My pristine vision will be sullied by the harsh textures of reality, the bumps and slashes, the oozing wounds and scabbed abrasions.

So I will draw out this moment just a little bit longer... ahhhh....

I ordered a stack of makeup supplies on Monday and I expect them to show up on my doorstep before too long. Makeup! What am I doing with matte cake foundations and creme colors and eyeshadow and rouge? Good grief. And this stuff is *expensive*, too.

The sacrifices I make to be part of the independent movie scene.

Of course, I'll be working on the gore and guts aspect, too, so that's cool. I have some books and videos coming at the same time so I can finish my various plans before we start shooting in... ummm... very darn soon now.

Good God! April 30! AAAAAAaggghhhhh!

I've got some things to do. Soon. I still don't know (for sure) how I'm going to do, oh, HALF of the stuff I need to do.

Posted by Edwin at March 30, 2005 03:07 PM
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