March 20, 2005


Pushing pushing... I'm pushing the big rock of code at work. Updating the journal isn't working at work since I got busy. I'm not complaining. I'd rather be busy.

Code reviews beget changes beget more reviews beget trunk checkins.

And now we have a proper trunk of code (the "gold standard" that we touch only carefully), though it doesn't quite work yet.

Next week, more pushing. Parsers, interpreters, message packers, debugging, supporting the test guy (thank God we have a test guy!), and more reviews and check-ins.

This project is critical path for a dozen products or more, so we have to keep moving.

Tai Chi has settled back into routine for now, though I have lost my home-practice habit (again). Dammit. Had a GREAT workshop in push-hands last Sunday with Christophe Clark. Good stuff. Made sense. Our sifu, Tom, is great at teaching many things but he is still learning how to teach push hands. Fortunately, he and Christophe seemed to hit it off famously. We'll see Christophe again.

School is cranking along. I scheduled a final for CS110 for the 26th (yeah, it's Easter weekend, what of it?), and that's a week later than it should have been except the person I talked to on the library had their facts a bit off.

A couple weeks later I'll have another, and the third the week after -- at the rate I'm going. Then on to the next round! 9 credit hours in four months, not too bad. I actually started work in the February timeframe, so 3 months of actual work.

This weekend, among doing taxes (Refund! Score!) and finances and schoolwork and stuff, we are watching Penn and Teller's Bullshit on DVD. Great stuff! Lots of fun. Good to fume along with them at the intelligent design (e.g. creationism) people, and so forth.

Anyway, I'm off to do dishes or dinner or laundry or the Deadbacks FX and makeup script breakdown or...

... well, you get the idea.

Posted by Edwin at March 20, 2005 06:34 PM
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