Wednesday I was feeling a bit... off. Head a little throbby, kinda "woogy".
1:45 am on Thursday I wake up, feeling like I've been in bed for many hours... like I had been dragging myself through sleep uphill and against the gale. But it was only 1:45. My head hurt.
I slept the rest of the night in 10 and 15 minute chunks.
Thursday I went to work anyway, but of course I felt progressively worse and left at 3:00 while I still could.
Ever since I've been pretty much coughing up my lungs. I haven't actually eaten much since Wednesday so I'm kinda weak and dizzy, but I did manage to get a little this and that into me, so I'm not dead yet.
It's Sunday now and I'm still coughing my brains out. Thank god, however, that the headache portion only lasted a day or two. And it's also amazing that I haven't destroyed my throat coughing, but I've been careful about my coughing posture to minimize the impact.
Of course, the muscles around my diaphram, back, and rib cage are not happy with me. Oh not, not happy at at all.
All of this has put a monkey wrench into almost everything -- I missed the twisting convention I took the vacation for in the first place, heck, I don't even remember what I was going to do anymore. Whatever.
I do seem to be progressing towards health a little bit, at least. I should be back at work by, oh, Tuesday.
Posted by Edwin at February 20, 2005 11:30 AM