The Crazy Week continues.
Yesterday during lunch, I ordered a zillion dollars worth of stuff for the current Alain effect. I also thought back and noticed that I continue to put spoilers into this journal! I'm not entirely sure if I will get into trouble for that or not... okay, Alain called (15 May 2005) and he is a bit miffed so I'm stripping more stuff out. I'm afraid some of it will live on in Google archives, though. I'll see what I can do.
The interesting part of these effects is not the effect itself, but the way the live audience reacts to it. To them, it *is* magic, and seeing them see magic is interesting.
Each person creates their own reality, their own explanations as to what is "really" happening during an effect.
I don't know how much homework I'll get done this weekend, and I'm even contemplating NOT going to the twisting convention Fri/Sat, just to get everything that needs to be done, done.
Which sucks.
But I have to prioritize.
Posted by Edwin at February 16, 2005 09:31 AM