February 15, 2005

Remote Control Lights

Okay, I'm pretty darn sure they actually want and need the remote control lights... but they don't know if they want four or seven, or something in between.

So I'm making six. Of course, I had to buy about $700 worth of stuff to do this.

Most of the money went on the biz, because I transferred cash to cover it... but this is costing more than I thought (since they want 6 and not 4), so some of the cost went on the Amazon card. I'll need to pay that off when *I* get paid.

Now to build the little buggers and get them to the site... soon!

One of the harder parts, it turns out, was finding a way to mount the lightbulb in the damn reflector.

Maglites are focusable, which means that the light is not attached to the reflector and is, in fact, in a special little socket that is attached to the body of the flashlight. Held in place with a clip. A clip that drops into a groove in the floor AND the wall, so it can't be removed.


So a cheap-ass flashlight from HEB has the bulb attached to the reflector, but there is no graceful way to wire to the bulb without soldering onto it.

That's too gross.

So today, while buying most of the high intensity Maglite bulbs from Fry's, I found ANOTHER cheap flashlight. Disassembling it in the store, I find that it actually has a decent socket for the bulb. Tonight, I test.

Now, I don't know HOW the hell I'm going to build all of this stuff on time.

I think Thursday, instead of reading management crap, I assemble.

I think Friday and Saturday I may also be doing work on it, in between trips to the twisting convention.

Too damn much going on this week!

Posted by Edwin at February 15, 2005 04:03 PM
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