No memories for you! Maybe next week...
Doing good work these last two days or so. Actual work with actual challenges that are amenable to actual solutions.
Today one fix was pretty blind -- I wasn't seeing it, so I called Daniel over. We reversed two calls that shouldn't have been reversed (I thought) and it worked. The MCU was being weird inside. Dan thinks it was to save a few gates in the FPGA... cheap bastards.
I still don't have the saber form entirely memorized, but I got a good chunk of it into my brain today at lunch. I'll work on it more tonight, between sessions in the textbooks. Tomorrow I need to make a good showing at the make-up class, so Connie doesn't lose faith in my greatness.
I've been putting off some of the work on Alain's effect... my Mon/Tue/Wednesdays are completely shot in February.
The effect is on the 20'th... so close! The twisting convention is next week! Tai Chi testing the week after!