February 03, 2005

Lost Opportunity

Remember the light spinner mentioned in an earlier post? Yeah, that was a cool thing.

I had a friend who was a girl... and was verging on being a girlfriend. Susie, I think she was, called "Suzie Q" by my great-grandfather. In fact, I think she was the one my Aunt played mind games with... or maybe she was the one who said she was dyslexic and couldn't discern between red lights and green lights but I didn't believe her. Or maybe those are both the same girl. But, does it matter which she was? Not anymore.

Once, we were sitting together on a couch in a darkened room watching the light spinner... yeah, I bet that would have gone somewhere! Woot! But nooooo.... my dad decides that it's somehow inappropriate for me to be sitting alone in the dark with a girl. Spoilsport.

I remain scarred for life, I'm sure.

Posted by Edwin at February 3, 2005 03:44 PM
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