January 27, 2005


This one is so real, but I think it was from a dream. I can't tell...

I'm really little, and with my mom. It's sunny and hot, and we are in the city somewhere. There is the street, buildings, grime and broken sidewalks.

I'm in a small playground with a sandy floor, surrounded by chainlink fence. There is a small climbing thing, perhaps a see-saw. One side of the playground is a red brick wall, the side of a building. I'm there with may a few other kids.

My mom comes and gets me and we leave, walking. I have a vague sense of a tricycle here, but that may be unrelated.

For some reason, this memory is paired with another in my mind. In the other one, me and my parents are in a large foyer of a large public space. There is a cafe off to the left and stairs and doors and stuff scattered around. It seems like a museum or some kind of interactive space, where we look at things and poke at things.

It's an interestig place, white with some big colored areas.

Ahhh... it's all a jumble.

Posted by Edwin at January 27, 2005 01:09 PM
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