January 19, 2005

Magic Dry Sand

When I was in California, probably the second time, I was probably 12? Or maybe it was the first time, when I would be eight or so. I hope to convince more of my family to record their memories, too, so I can fill in my gaps.

Anyway, I had this REALLY COOL TOY! It was WATER and colored SAND. Can you belive it? It was amazing.

The sand, or whatever it was, had the ability to stay dry when under water. Something about the surface tension would cause the sand to clump underwater so you could sculpt nifty underwater landscapes.

When you pulled a blob of sand out of the water, it would still be dry... as soon as it hit air, it transformed from a blob back into loose, dry sand.

That was so cool.

I think I saw this product again, once, on a shelf. It seems so much... smaller.

Posted by Edwin at January 19, 2005 04:38 PM
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