I keep clearing my task pipe -- finishing tasks before I get new ones, creating dead time.
Today I sketched in the bulk of the code needed to handle the USB startup handshaking, I think. There are pieces missing, mind you, not to mention unknowns to deal with, but these are out of my hands.
It's POSSIBLE I'll get boards sometime tomorrow... but still no word on when I'll get licenses for the software needed to develop for them. Just because our purchasing guy gets pneumonia for a week or so, everything is behind. Bah!
Because I'm insane and seem to be unable to say "no" to interesting, lucrative projects, I agreed to create a magician's effect to be filmed at the end of January in San Antonio. If they agree to pay me the two grand (which is $1,500 more than they budgeted), I'll then be forced to actually DO this.
Like I keep saying, sleep is overrated.