January 06, 2005

Books Galore

It's so great to be working on something that makes sense. Mmmm, work.

Earlier this week I ordered books. Lots of books. Books on MMORPG development, books on game design, books on language processing. The first of these should show up on my doorstep today, with more coming over the next few days.

Sadly, I also had to spend a stack of money on textbooks for my current three classes. One management class and two programming classes... the programming should be pretty easy to breeeze through.

This does mean that I need to schedule my time to support the schoolwork.

I also need to beat my computer into submission. Right now I'm experimenting with system rollbacks to see if its a driver messing me up. I think the problems begain when I installed the color printer... though they certainly intensified with the failed visual studio install!

To complicate things, I stuck a second stick of RAM into the box, a move that traditionally makes this stupid computer unstable.

I may have to buy a new motherboard... but that adds its OWN huge can of worms.

Damned machines.

Posted by Edwin at January 6, 2005 11:30 AM
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