December 30, 2004

Doug's Shadow

Since I wasn't having much luck yesterday, I chose to hang out in Doug's cube today and kibitz over his shoulder.

We found a LOT of stuff out, building on what I found yesterday and what he found yesterday morning, but of course no real resolution to the problems.

I'm compiling a test now, though, to see if a meddling monitor thread is foolishly and dangerously resetting something it shouldn't be.

This system was definitely not designed with debugging in mind. I think I see now why the designer of it all was having problems getting it to work right.

Oh, right. I doesn't work right.

We will be burning about two man-weeks of time on this, wasted time I add. It may be work, but it's not work that I feel good about.

But working with Douglas, who is cheerfully whacking away at this thing, does make it more pleasant. It's not just me and my brooding thoughts.

Posted by Edwin at December 30, 2004 04:14 PM
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