November 17, 2004

Rio Rocks!

Rio Grande totally rocks. It probably helps that they are just around the corner in New Mexico, but regardless -- the Kiln and supplies showed up on the doorstep yesterday.

Nice little kiln, and it is even ventilated on top for burnout. This little detail does not show up on the product photos or even the descriptions on the site, so it's totally a bonus.

Now, of course, I have to put my skills where my mouth is and sculpt that little piece I want to do. I hope it turns out well.

I actually have several ideas of how I want to do it, but I'll have to decide soon.

And even worse, I need to tidy up the workshop so I can place the kiln. I'll probably do the sculpture work at my desk, transplanting the magnifying light to upstairs.

Still not working on UnDead... much. Now I'm second-guessing my writing style in it. I'm thinking it's. Too. Choppy. Maybe.

Okay, not so bad, but I've shied away from long complex sentences and I think that might be a mistake. Now I have to re-read bits to see how they flow...

This will probably turn out to be a horrid, overworked story because of all this fiddling. But it will also work out a bunch of the kinks in my writing, so the next one should be better.

Posted by Edwin at November 17, 2004 01:28 PM
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