November 15, 2004

Updating the Website

This weekend was my first "free" weekend since, I dunno, 2003 or so.

So, of course, it was filled with important tasks to do.

Saturday morning we spent cleaning the house -- we can actually see the bedroom floor again! It's really nice. In the afternoon we shopped for some goofy presents for that evening, which was the Haunted Trails wrapup party and awards ceremony.

Between the shopping and the party, various managers got together to do a "lessons learned" meeting. Whereupon we decided my script sucked, but everything else was surprisingly smooth.

Sunday I spent a bunch of time adding all of the 2003 project pictures in the Haunt section of this website. Check it out!

I also stubbed in 2004, but there are a million photos to sort through for this so it may have to wait till next weekend.

I've been busy at work and at home, so I haven't made much recent progress on the UnDead story... hope to get back to it soon.

And, finally, I started reading the TaiChi book I was supposed to read last year... it's really good!

Posted by Edwin at November 15, 2004 10:26 AM
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