November 08, 2004

Muscular Suffering

Woo, I went to a martial arts application workshop this Saturday... 10:15 to 5:00 with an hour lunch break.

At the time, it was just fun -- Master Bryant is awesome, funny, and a good teacher. He tried to compress a six week self defense course into just a day -- with some success.

As a wrap up, we explored how different styles of martial art deal with one situation -- TaiChi (yes, TaiChi has application, it's not just "dancing") and bunch of others I don't know how to spell off the top of my head. There are some funky styles out there.

It really increased my enthusiasm for it all!

But on the downside, I had sore muscles in the DARNDEST places. I found muscles I didn't even know I had, let alone how to stretch them out.

I spent Sunday afternoon helping with the Haunted Trails strike (not entirely done yet, but the Basin can cope with the last bit of cleaning), and then most of the D&D game trying to get the kinks out of my suffering body.

Now I'm back at work, doing stuff... nothing exciting today. Most of today, in fact, appears to be absorbed in meetings.

Ooh, and I decided what I want to give Marla for Christmas, but I don't know if I'll be able to. Can't say more here, though. Maybe in January I'll clue y'all in.

Next weekend, I hope to put up the last two year's worth of Halloween photos.

Posted by Edwin at November 8, 2004 08:06 AM
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