October 04, 2004

Long Weekend

Yow, that was a long weekend.

Saturday I was running around directing stuff... "director", apparently, is slang for "errand boy", but lots of stuff got done.

Sunday was more of the same, though I built a station myself too. It went up quickly with the help of Dan, who mostly got to stand there holding stuff.

At one point on Sunday we got a gaggle of teenage girls, 15 and 16 years old. My first thought was "oh God, they'll be useless", but they were actually very useful. They worked together well as a group, were tidy with the paint, and got stuff done quickly. And then asked for more.

Once we ran out of real work, I then grabbed some stuff from the car and took molds off of two of them, so they can be faces in the Trophy Room. They thought that was pretty cool, snapping pictures of the process with their cell phones and threatening to put them in the yearbook.

On the molding front, I was also able to wrestle apart the leg mold and started cleaning the clay out of it. Since I forgot to release the clay, I need to scrape most of it out (mostly done) and then I'll use solvent (orange oil) to clean the residue. A pain, but just a few hours work total.

Still up -- make final faces (I have seven molds, and a process that creates a really nice, nasty face), make some more organs, and make the leg.

I've still got a little bit of time.

You know how I keep promising pictures soon? I lied. Or maybe I just meant "soon" on the geological timescale.

Posted by Edwin at October 4, 2004 02:54 PM
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