October 01, 2004

Since Tuesday...

Hmmm, since Tuesday... hmmm...

I made two test faces Wednesday. Put down a thin white layer, a thicker gray layer, and a final dark green layer. Then I edged them with a scabrous detailing and pulled them from the molds.

The white was a bit too white -- there isn't the depth and translucency I wanted from the silicon. But you can see the details. The ragged scabby edge was nice, but not necessarily the surgical removal look I wanted.

I made another face yesterday. This time, I put a nearly translucent layer of white, and then a thicker layer of a slightly darker, more opaque gray. I then pulled it from the mold and trimmed it.

The color is a lot more translucent and "greasy" looking, just about right, but it's hard to see the texture and details since the surface layer is essentially transparent. I trimmed it to give it clean edges, so it has a different character from the other tests.

Today, before work, I edged this new face with the scabrous silicon. For detail work, I've been using silicon caulk that I color to suit. Less of a hassle than mixing up the good stuff.

Yesterday also saw me buying the remaining materials to cast the leg and some more organs. A large unit of Dragon Skin and, from the new catalog, a large unit of super-squishy silicon that should be fun for tactile stuff. Expensive as all get-out, this stuff...

Dress rehearsal is October 16... tonight I need to put the shell on the leg and, once that is hard, pull it all apart and prep it for casting. I should cast the leg over the weekend... sometime.

We have an acting class AND a build on Sunday... in addition to the build on Saturday. I need about three of me, I think.

Posted by Edwin at October 1, 2004 09:14 AM
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