September 24, 2004

Moving right along

Peeling the arm from the back of the mold uncovered a qualified success. There appears to be one major bubble under a fingernail, and a minor bubble in the wrist under the skin. But overall, it's lovely! Better than any bone-filled cast I've done before.

Trimming the flashing was a bit nerve wracking. And there was a problem with alignment at the finger tips, less than I normally get, but more than I expected. I guess some material got trapped between the mold halves, fiddling with the closure.

In the future, I need to plan appendages without the included bones... they would be so much easier!

Anyway, trimmed and tidy, the arm is perfect in dim light. Up close and in the glare you can see the seams and the flaws in the finger tips. But since when do you get good lighting in a haunt?

I'll post pictures, really I will. Soon.

I made the stump a bloody, scabby mess, and the protruding bone got a disgusting patina of read, black, and yellow... people will think twice before grabbing it.

Next, and final, I will create acrylic fingernails and make sure they get glued into place firmly... somehow.

For final placement, dose in blood and stand back!

Now I need to work on more of the more mundane organs.

And I must finish the leg sculpture, so I can start putting the mold on it this Sunday.

So much to do! At least I'm getting some nice successes.

Posted by Edwin at September 24, 2004 09:20 AM
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