I was restless at work today, couldn't sit and focus, so I went home to an early lunch. I needed to see how my arm casting went.
Last night I decided that, even if it was horrible, even if the skin didn't stick and the fingers were full of bubbles and flaws, I could use this arm.
Paint red and white under the skin, turning the flaps into scalded blisters. Inject holes and bubbles with read or pus-yellow silicon, turning defects into purposeful wounds. All failings could be converted into gore... and these are things I'll be doing with the previously horribly failed version.
When I got home, I was instead overwhelmed with the urge to nap. So I did. Then I ate. I was about to go back to work, the time being late, when I decided that I had to pry open the mold.
I lugged the dusty, heavy mold into the living room and photographed it for posterity.
I laid it flat and pried on it a bit. No budge. I flipped and turned it a bit, no success. Ooooh... I really don't want to break this mold.
So I turned it on edge and my gently yet firm attempts at prying were rewarded with motion. Ahh! By not fighting gravity, everything got easier.
The mold slowly separated smoothly.
I laid the top down. Looking at the inside of the arm; the palm, the crook of the elbow... it was beautiful. Perfect. The vein colorings were just what I wanted. The translucent white skin. The flesh coloring tending toward purple at the stump. Everything.
I poked the fingers a bit; I think I found one air bubble. There is a flaw in the mold where the halves didn't separate right, so I'll have to cut that bump off a finger. But mostly... perfect.
I didn't remove the arm from the back of the mold, since I didn't want to disturb my joy. Will the bones be too close to the skin? Will there be bubbles and flaws? I'll know tonight...
In speech class last night, I gave my pointless speech. I was not brilliant at first, boring even, but it picked up. I hope to make the next version come on fire, though.
I wish we actualy did more *speaking* in speech class. That would make sense, somehow.