September 08, 2004


Two aggravating incidents yesterday.

On my side, my speech class teacher is very scattered... not organized, not providing a very clear direction. For the first few days, we were travelling under the direction of creating a major speech for the end of class.

It turns out, yesterday, she realized that we were supposed to be doing TWO major speeches, one for next week, and another for the end of class.

Thanks, Miss Teacher. That sure helped my time management.

On the Haunted Trails front, the Wild Basin people have been messing with our storage area, making a mess, and costing us time. And then Marla broke a key of in the gate lock, causing her no end of unhappiness.

The Basin needs to get their story straight within their ranks, of what we can and can not use for our build. As it is, we don't have enough room to do it right... and if they start messing with that, we are pretty much screwed. I have to wonder how committed they actually are to this project.

Posted by Edwin at September 8, 2004 07:32 AM
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