August 25, 2004

Better Mold Test

Yesterday's test of a poly mold material on the poly arm worked pretty good -- the stuff released, no problem!

There was a sticky patch, though. I didn't take enough care in mixing the goo; it was just a quicky test. But it's an object lesson in the necessity of EXCELLENT mixing technique. Any slack gives you poor results.

Though... it would be another interesting effect, for "skin rot". Heh.

Now I have to decide whether to paint the poly mold on in two sections, or do a one-piece mold I later cut in half. Decisions! Argh!

I'm leaning towards one-piece with cutting... I think I'll get a cleaner edge, and a better overall fit in the mother mold that way.

The fingers have me a bit worried, though. I'm thinking they will be tricky to split.

Posted by Edwin at August 25, 2004 08:05 AM
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