August 05, 2004


My book is done with the initial editing. Those English dudes are quick; just about a week. I hope it's actually EDITED; that they made a positive contribution to the work. Now it's off to typesetting, or whatever. I get my editable copy end of August.

I'm trying to move my mailing lists and random websites off of the computers at home. I figure I'll just make subdomains on -- it's bigger, faster, and more reliable. I just have to make sure Wittlock is off the server, first.

Oh, and I have to get the double-damned mailman server to work off of simreal; in theory it's there, in practice it's puking.

I have a service ticket, though. We'll fix it.

That's the nice part about having a real ISP. They do the work I don't want to. I figured it would be easier to move my mailman list than to fix it on my home server... which hasn't proven to be the case yet.

Posted by Edwin at August 5, 2004 01:34 PM
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